Useful datasets to download

What datasets do I need to download from here in order to use specific properties in the WHERE clause?

For example, if I have the query:

SELECT ?item
    ?item dbo:location ?location

will return no results, because presumably I haven’t downloaded the appropriate dataset. So, as far as I understand, in order to use the right properties in a WHERE clause, I need to have some appropriate datasets downloaded.

Let me give you an example, just in case my question is not clear. A sufficient dataset In order to get some results back using the following query:

SELECT ?item
    ?item foaf:gender ?gender
LIMIT 100 

is the Person data dataset.

Is there any source, where I can find what properties a dataset includes?

Please, feel free to ask if my question does not make sense.


Your question does totally make sense. @shreelakshmi is working on a prototype to create void statistics for the DBpedia Files on Databus so that this can be answered easily in the future.
For now I think this should be included in

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