This topic can be used to request a new namepspace for a specific language (not mapped yet) for the Mappings Wiki
I was approached on semantics19 whether DBpedia could open up a mapping namespace for Icelandic? Can somebody do this please?
the steps to add a new mappings namespace were described here:
the documentation was last updated on 2015, I think the configuration-related parts have been refactored but the core part should be applicable as is
maybe we can add all languages, except the ones with -
Thanks @jimkont. Now we need to find out who has access to this server. I don’t have it.
@kurzum seems like your idea could cause trouble since the referenced manual implicates that only less than 100 languages can be added in the mappings wiki. Moreover, every language needs customization in the code base in order to parse and extract values properly (e.g. number parser and unit parser (esp. for non-latin character languages).
Sebastian k, from Mannheim and I have access to server