List of sciences

Hi All, I did not find class Science in Ontology Classes
And wonder how to get list of sciences we have here Index of branches of science - Wikipedia?



Hi @ashkotin,

Please find below the SPARQL query tailored to retrieve information about branches of science from DBpedia:

SELECT DISTINCT ?science ?scienceLabel WHERE {
dbr:Index_of_branches_of_science dbo:wikiPageWikiLink ?science .
OPTIONAL { ?science rdfs:label ?scienceLabel FILTER(LANG(?scienceLabel) = β€œen”) }
ORDER BY ?scienceLabel

Furthermore, if you wish to obtain labels in all available languages, you may utilize the following query:

SELECT DISTINCT ?science ?scienceLabel WHERE {
dbr:Index_of_branches_of_science dbo:wikiPageWikiLink ?science .
OPTIONAL { ?science rdfs:label ?scienceLabel }
ORDER BY ?science ?scienceLabel