Hypernym relations unavailable


It seems DBPedia pages do not have hypernym relations available anymore. Previously, hypernym relations would be available with the corresponding tag http://purl.org/linguistics/gold/hypernym.

For instance, the DBPedia page of Apple (About: Apple) used to have dbr:Tree as its hypernym, as shown in the screenshot from The Wayback Machine below:

The screenshot shows the page as it was on Nov 12, 2020. The current version of the page does not have any hypernym entry. This issue does not seem limited to the Apple page either, it seems this relation has been removed from DBPedia entities in general.

Since the presence of these relations is highly useful for my projects (and I’m sure others’ too), could I know if there was any specific reason why this was taken down? And also, is there any other way I could access the hypernyms of a DBPedia entity (apart from using The Wayback Machine, which can be quite cumbersome to automate)?

Hi @remorax, Many thanks for your report. We are already aware of this problem and we will come up with a solution.
@hopver and @pkleef Can you please help?

Hi @remorax.
The upcoming new release of DBpedia will have this dataset loaded again.
/CC @juliah

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