How to import DBpedia Ontology in Protegé?

Hi everyone! I’m trying to import the DBpedia Ontology to Protegé without luck. I tried using the IRI for importing but that didn’t work.

Any idea how this can be done?

Thank you!

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Hi @danielbakas,

To import the DBpedia Ontology into Protegé, first download the ontology file, typically in OWL format, from the DBpedia website. Then, in Protegé, either open an existing project or create a new one. Navigate through File > Import Ontology..., choose Import an ontology contained in a local file, locate your downloaded file, and proceed with the import. If you encounter any format-related issues, consider trying alternative formats such as RDF/XML or Turtle, converting the file as necessary for compatibility.

This is help us thank you!