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Switched to category https://forum.dbpedia.org/c/news-and-announcements for news.
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Growth hack announced for Fall/Winter 2019: https://blog.dbpedia.org/2019/07/04/dbpedia-growth-hack/
The forum is one part of the growth hack!
A new blog post about the GlobalFactSync project is now published as part of the growth hack: https://blog.dbpedia.org/2019/07/25/global-fact-sync-synchronizing-wikidatas-wikipedias-infoboxes/
Part V of our growth hack series features DBpedia Live & its remastering. It has just been published here: http://bit.ly/2YgznxL.
[Please forward to all people who have been waiting for new DBpedia releases.]
[Responses and questions can also go into https://forum.dbpedia.org]
Dear all,
we built a complex, automated, test-driven system around the DBpedia releases to allow the community to debug and extend the data and tools better. The system is partially implemented and documented, meaning:
from now on there will be monthly DBpedia releases
they are neither as complete as the last big release nor perfect , but decent and they will improve each month with your contribution
the system feels more effective as in: we found it much easier to locate and fix issues due to automatic testing URI patterns, N-Triples syntax and soon SHACL on Minidumps (triggered on software git commit) and on the final large dumps.
two former community extensions were submitted already: DBkWik and LinkedHypernyms
Only technical documentation is available at the moment. No summary statistics yet, i.e. we don’t know yet how well we are doing overall.
How to download: http://dev.dbpedia.org/Download_DBpedia
How to improve: http://dev.dbpedia.org/Improve_DBpedia
They can be browsed via http://databus.dbpedia.org/dbpedia but there docu is incomplete and the query and collection builder is untested
Also next week, 12th of September, DBpedia will meet at SEMANTiCS 2019