Hi friends,
I need to develop a query in DBpedia that extracts location information (latitude and longitude) of a place, depending on context about that particular place.
For example given two entities: “Jersey”, " subway". The query needs to retrieve the coordinates of Jersey from the United States and not from the island, since there are no subways in the last Jersey.
So far I’ve develop a query able to filter by cities for example:
‘’’ PREFIX dbo: http://dbpedia.org/ontology/
PREFIX geo: http://www.w3.org/2003/01/geo/wgs84_pos#
SELECT DISTINCT ?place ?label ?lat ?lng
?place a dbo:Place .
?place rdfs:label ?label
VALUES ?label { "Madrid"@en} .
?place geo:lat ?lat .
?place geo:long ?lng .
But I don’t know how to incorporate the context information. Could you help me with that?.
Thank you.