Download instance types dump data same as rdf_types in DBpedia websites


I am a DBpedia beginner. I am wondering how can I download an instance types dump which is replicated with the DBpedia online data (values under rdf_types)?

I tried that,

  1. Download the latest instance types data from data bus. But the latest instance types data in data bus is incomplete compared with types in rdf_type field of the website.

For example, for the entity, the types in latest data bus are:

But in the online page,

it contains other types likes dbo:Organisation etc.

I am wondering how can I download a instance types dump which is replicated with the DBpedia online data?

BTW, I also tried the 2016-10-01 data in the data bus and it has the same issues like above.

Thanks you very much!
Looking forward to your reply.

@hitercs see my answer here: DBPedia ontology and public SPARQL endpoint and the thread in general.

The endpoint will soon feed from

Theroretically you can trace all the changes made since 2016, but this is more archeological work and would also involve previous revisions of the Wikimedia dumps, the extractions framework software and

see or

@kurzum I also have the similar question to what is asked by @hitercs.
If you look at the entity the rdf:type field says two types owl:Thing and
dbo:MusicGenre. As compared to this I have downloaded two instance types files (instance-types_lang=en_specific.ttl.bz2, instance-types_lang=en_transitive.ttl.bz2] from data bus. Now instance-types_lang=en_transitive.ttl.bz2 does not contain entity “Anarchism” and instance-types_lang=en_specific.ttl.bz2 has type owl:Thing for it.

My goal is to generate same type information available public dbpedia endpoint from the downloaded instance types dump. So which files should I download to achieve the above goal ? Second question is why instance-types_lang=en_transitive.ttl.bz2 does not have entry corresponding to entity ‘Anarchism’ ?

I have read your answer DBPedia ontology and public SPARQL endpoint but not able to figure out how to solve my problem.

Hi, @dineshkh,
I am having the same issue. Did you manage to solve it. I appreciate your help if you did.