Hi everyone
I noticed that a movie representation (for example: http://live.dbpedia.org/page/The_Amazing_Spider-Man_(2012_film) ) in DBpedia-Live is less complete and accurate than the same movie representation in DBpedia (http://live.dbpedia.org/page/The_Amazing_Spider-Man_(2012_film) ), properties like dbo: gross are missed in DBpedia-Live, specially in recent movies (like Avengers endgame, Spiderman: far from home…etc…) where I think it’s important for the data freshness and reliability dimensions, would there be a way to fix it?
we are devising an effective strategy to fix this. We are still at the proof of concept stage with some things implemented.
Theoretically, you can check here:
- recent dbo: objectproperty dump: https://databus.dbpedia.org/dbpedia/mappings/mappingbased-objects/2019.09.01
- some months old: https://global.dbpedia.org/?s=http%3A%2F%2Fdbpedia.org%2Fresource%2FThe_Amazing_Spider-Man_(2012_film)
If it is not in there then probably the mapping needs to be fixed (we will link it from 2. and also from Live soon):
Now that I look at it it seems to be a problem with currencies. @jfrey complained about it, but didn’t file a bug.
I added the page to the tests: https://github.com/dbpedia/extraction-framework/blob/master/dump/src/test/bash/uris.lst
@moha92 If you want to help, you could write a SHACL test that the property should be there: https://github.com/dbpedia/extraction-framework/blob/master/dump/src/test/resources/custom-shacl-tests.ttl
or fix the currency extraction here: https://github.com/dbpedia/extraction-framework/blob/master/core/src/main/scala/org/dbpedia/extraction/mappings/MappingExtractor.scala
currency values seem to be fixed in the template-test branch compare master extraction with template-test-extraction therefore I did not file an issue yet.
I think these just relate to the warnings on mvn install. If we can fix those it might work again. Does the template test branch have these issues as well?
unchecked since it is eliminated by erasure
[WARNING] case (val1: ParseResult[Double], val2: ParseResult[Double]) =>
[WARNING] /home/shellmann/IdeaProjects/extraction-framework/core/src/main/scala/org/dbpedia/extraction/mappings/SimplePropertyMapping.scala:228: warning: non-variable type argument Double in type pattern org.dbpedia.extraction.dataparser.ParseResult[Double] is unchecked since it is eliminated by erasure
[WARNING] case pr: ParseResult[Double] if pr.unit.nonEmpty => writeUnitValue(node, pr, subjectUri, propertyNode.sourceIri+resultLengthPercentageTxt)
[WARNING] /home/shellmann/IdeaProjects/extraction-framework/core/src/main/scala/org/dbpedia/extraction/mappings/CalculateMapping.scala:96: warning: unreachable code
[WARNING] /home/shellmann/IdeaProjects/extraction-framework/core/src/main/scala/org/dbpedia/extraction/mappings/CitationExtractor.scala:219: warning: method unapplySeq in class Regex is deprecated: Extracting a match result from anything but a CharSequence or Match is deprecated
[WARNING] case Some(RankRegex(number)) => Some(ParseResult(number, None, Some(new Datatype("xsd:integer"))))
[WARNING] /home/shellmann/IdeaProjects/extraction-framework/core/src/main/scala/org/dbpedia/extraction/mappings/InfoboxExtractor.scala:227: warning: method unapplySeq in class Regex is deprecated: Extracting a match result from anything but a CharSequence or Match is deprecated
[WARNING] case Some(RankRegex(number)) => Some(ParseResult(number, None, Some(new Datatype("xsd:integer"))))
I’m quite new in DBpedia, what’s a SHACL?
@moha92 SHACL is a language to express closed world constraints. It is a W3C standard developed by the former CTO of DBpedia (Dimitris): https://www.w3.org/TR/shacl/
This example checks whether geo-coordinates are in the right range:
a sh:NodeShape ;
sh:targetSubjectsOf wgs84:long ;
sh:property [
sh:path wgs84:long ;
sh:minInclusive "-180"^^xsd:float ;
sh:maxInclusive "180"^^xsd:float
] ;
sh:property [
sh:path wgs84:lat ;
sh:minInclusive "-90"^^xsd:float ;
sh:maxInclusive "90"^^xsd:float
] .
We will use it more now with RDFUnit by adding the here: https://github.com/dbpedia/extraction-framework/blob/master/dump/src/test/resources/custom-shacl-tests.ttl