Japanese DBpedia is offline

Hello, I’ve been using the Japanese DBpedia sparql endpoint for few months and today I just realized that I cannot access it. When I open the web page, it says the connection is refused. Is there something happen to Japanese version of DBpedia?

Thank you.

Edit: It seems to be up right now.

Hi, I wrote to the chapter, they have a staff change and then test & switch to the new system: Simplifying the Chapter endpoint deployment

As a note: this system makes it easier to replicate the endpoint setup locally, but the collection has to be created once, which might be 1 or 2 hour work to get it right. But you could try it, if it is urgent. Maybe simply replacing de or en with ja in the query might do the trick, if luck is on your side.

Thank you for the reply!

Do you know how large is the Japanese chapter endpoint if I were to setup it locally?

I modified the query from Simplifying the Chapter endpoint deployment , i.e. added byteSize (ntriples, compressed), changed de to ja and also included one more dataset:
Query, japanese data

This query can be added to a personal collection (you need to remove all ? except ?file in the select part ). Your forum account is also the databus account.