Started new DBpedia Live Category. Service will be running soon again. Updates here.
The DBpedia-Live AMI from the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Marketplace is now live.
What is this?
A change-sensitive edition of DBpedia that presents the latest edition of Wikipedia content in Linked Open Data form.
Why is it important?
It offers a personal- or service-specific instance via an Amazon EC2 AMI (Amazon Virtual Machine Instance) that’s available for immediate use.
How Do I use it?
You can instantiate your AMI in three simple steps:
- Goto
- initialize AMI
- Goto to your favorite DBpedia starting page e.g., http://{aws-ami-dns-name}/resource/{Paris}
Naturally, you also have a SPARQL Query Service Endpoint ( i.e. http://{aws-ami-dns-name}/sparql ) and Faceted Query Service ( i.e. http://{aws-ami-dns-name}/fct ) in place too!