πŸ€– A Neural QA Model for DBpedia: Compositionality - GSoC2020

Hi Mahesh,

You may checkout my proposal where I have gone in detail on this aspect (Variable awareness) in page 7. https://docs.google.com/document/d/14jEPgQyLm7L_Ll1JuCXy8zg2T39VlP70XAmh4I-NVBU/edit?usp=sharing

There are a number of resources on SPARQL in the web, your resources are just a Google search away.

Thanks for your help.
I referred your proposal it helped me in several ways.
Started with SPARQL and Blog helped alot in terms of understanding the project.

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Hi DBpedia,

my name is Jason. I am a recent graduate with a Statistics and Computer Science bachelors degree. I have applied to several schools to pursue a Computer Science Master degree. This opportunity is helpful to me as I can put my experience on my school application. I like to study NLP and QA Systems. I have studied artificial intelligence and machine learning in my undergraduate program, and I have learned some AI and NLP algorithms. I want to learn more.



P.S. I have remote computing resources to run model training. This isn’t mentioned in my proposal, but it is suitable for remote model training.

Congratulations … those who are selected @baizydl…kodos to you.

@maheshkulkarni Thanks a lot.