Number of types different - SPARQL vs. instance-types_lang=en_transitive.ttl.bz2


The sparql endpoint of


returns a lot of types for Victor Hugo (cf url below), whereas a grep in “instance-types_lang=en_transitive.ttl.bz2” only returns 5 (cf screenshot). Which file from DBpedia contains the rest of the types of Victor Hugo?

The URL mentionned in the tweet is simple query to return the types of resource dbpedia:Victor_Hugo.{graph%20<>%20{%20<>%20rdf%3Atype%20%3Ft}%20}&{}&contentTypeConstruct=application%2Fn-triples%2C*%2F*%3Bq%3D0.9&contentTypeSelect=application%2Fsparql-results%2Bjson%2C*%2F*%3Bq%3D0.9&outputFormat=table&outputSettings={"pageSize"%3A-1}

Hi @datao,

In the SPARQL endpoint is loaded a collection of data artifacts (datasets) which are listed here:
Types statements provide the following datasets:

I grep for in these 3 datasets and in total I get 99 statements, which is equal to what you get via the SPARQL endpoint.

In summary, the SPARQL endpoint loads a specific collection of datasets (not all) that are extracted by DBpedia extraction framework or hosted at the DBpedia Databus platform.

Hope this answers your question.

It does. Thanks you very much.

I have had a look inside the Yago and SDTypes directories.
The files have pretty recent timestamps.
Why not change the directory names to reflect that freshness?
(2016.10.01/ is misleading)

A nice-to-have proposal:
Currently I need to update a live instance of DBPedia from 9 months ago, and I cannot retrieve the corresponding Yago and SDTypes files.
It is probably a good idea to put the different iterations of the Yago and SDTimes files in separate timestamped directories. [Just as you do for the instance-types file, and most of the other files of DBPedia].

For SDTypes we have only the 2016/10/01 version. Newer version, however, has not been created.

As for YAGO, as far as I know it is on the todo list to include newer releases. @hopver might have more info on this.

Currently I need to update a live instance of DBPedia from 9 months ago, and I cannot retrieve the corresponding Yago and SDTypes files.

They are available, right? or?

Hi again.
I am now stuck trying to find which file of the DBPedia dataset (i.e latest-core) includes that triple:

dbr:Daffy_Duck rdf:type dbo:FictionalCharacter

It is right there on the dbpedia endpoint:*%20where%20{<>%20%3Fp%20%3Fo} &{}&contentTypeConstruct=application%2Fn-triples%2C*%2F*%3Bq%3D0.9&contentTypeSelect=application%2Fsparql-results%2Bjson%2C*%2F*%3Bq%3D0.9&outputFormat=table

But nowhere to be found in the files discused above in that thread.

Any help is very welcome.